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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Senin, 22 April 2013

Ubutu theme .,.,maximizing Nova launcher :)

Oke Guys..,
HH sudah di tangan.,.,mari kita uprek2 dikit theme nya!!!!

oke.,.,.,maximizing bener kan :) cekidot ===>

Part 1

part 2

1. Nova launcher disini
2. Uccw disini
3. Ubu2 theme disini
4. Desktop Virtualizer disini
untuk wallpaper .,.,sesuai selera.,.,oke :)

untuk setting Nova Sbb:
"Grid size 8x5. Five screens. Horizontal (width) and Vertical (height) margin = None. Dock as overlay and hidden. Notification bar hidden"

"Go to Nova settings > Desktop > Advanced and make sure "Widget overlap" is enabled"
!!!bersiin dlu layar dr widget2 yg laen.,.,seperti video di atas.,.,!!!!!
-tutor diatas itu cuma contoh,silahkan modifikasi theme kalian sesuai selera masing2!!!!
semoga anda senang dengan modifikasi nova saya!!!!! selamat mecoba :)

Kamis, 11 April 2013

cara instal autotext di android

1. download file na disini
2. extrac file na menggunakan androzip atau semacamx (da 2 file disitu !!file disitu jgn di extrac!!)
oke biarin z dlu file na
3. instal smartkeyboarpro td yg udh kamu extracx!!!
4. copas file zip td di folder smartkeyboartpro > cari folderx di di explorer!!! (langsung dikopas disitu z)
5. sekarang kita buka smartkeyboartpro td di seting  bahasa masukan,smartkeyboartpro di centang,buka setting smartkeyboartpro >buka general seting>selecc skin yg kamu mau > transparan dibikin full z.back <
6. msh di smartkeyboapro > buka backup setting > pilih restore from sdcard !!pilih oke!!
7. msh di smartkeyboapro >  buka text prediction > cek restore from sdcard td di custom autotext!!klw udh terisi  brarti  anda mengkopasx udh benar  :)
8. setting sound>centang z sound on keypress  >vol  diatur  >selecc type sound  yg  kamu mau!!!
 yang terakhir di tes z.,.,.,coba ketik pesan  di Whatsapp > coba ketik pesan.,.,kok  g berubah??????he.,.,he.,.,
oke tenang aja,ada icon keyboar di atas kan tarik z ke bawah.,.,pilih  mode masukan pilih  z smartkeyboartpro!!! < back z.,.,lihat udh berubah  kan  keyboarx.,.,

!!!catatan.....buka custom autotext td coba kalian edit .,.,soalx di pengetikan harus sesuai ma seni ngetik kita.,.,di bikin simple z!!! misal